getting through the first day of kindergarten

getting through the first day of kindergarten

4 Ways Teachers Can Improve Distance Learning

by Lilja Murto

In the past year, remote learning has become an essential operation for many schools and institutions. If you're a teacher, you want to make the most out of your teaching experience and give the children multiple ways to learn. Learn ways to utilize distance learning resources for teachers and improve remote learning for everyone involved.

1. Proper Lighting and Video Angles

In a classroom, children can easily see a teacher as they talk and engage with students. Creating that experience is essential for the classroom as well. When setting up your webcam, you should have the camera set at your eye level. Not only will you reduce neck and head strain, but you can also provide a clear visual for your students.

Proper lighting will also help with the video content. Ensure you have lights on your face and not illuminated behind you. With the clear lighting, children can read your lips and see what you are trying to convey while you teach. Lights like a basic ring light can provide ideal, even lighting on your face.

2. Second Screen Content

As you plan out how to teach your students, try to keep them engaged with second screen content. Distance learning services offer tutorials and content ideal for a second screen. As you teach and educate, a second screen can show supplemental content like videos, pictures, and graphs. 

As you prepare the second screen content, you should practice how you will present everything so you do not run into delays. 

3. Interactive Content

Keep children engaged instead of just going through a basic lesson. Services catered to teachers can provide ways to have students interact. For example, you can run a live poll and have students click on lesson options. The polls and interactive options will keep the students active throughout each class and give them something physical to do.

4. Recorded Sessions

Live sessions are the norm for a remote classroom, but you can provide a lot of supplemental information with recorded sessions. Recorded videos give students content to watch when the classes aren't in session. Every student learns differently, so a recap or additional tutorials can help a child who seeks out the extra content.

A recorded video allows you to make more edits, add more visuals, and create a presentation packed full of information. You can save the recorded sessions for future semesters and get multiple uses out of the videos.

When you seek out distance learning resources for teachers, you can improve the content and help thrive in the remote learning environment.


About Me

getting through the first day of kindergarten

When the time came for my first two boys to go to kindergarten, I struggled. I just couldn't imaging those little guys heading off for a long day without me there to take care of their every need. As a parent, this can be one of the most challenging milestones to cross. What can you do to make it easier for both you and your child on the first day of school? I created this blog with the help of others to present enough information to help other parents going through this difficult time find peace and make things easier for everyone.