Every parent obviously wants their child to succeed in school. But transferring your wish for your child to actual success in a classroom can be a tricky thing. You want to keep your child focused, but you don't want to push too hard and risk burning them out or making them resent you. To that end, here are some tips that may help keep your child successful in school and put them on the path towards success in life.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted near the end of 2017 enhanced the usefulness of a savings plan designed to help pay for the cost of education. The qualified tuition plan (QTP) was formerly available only to cover the expenses of college-level students. Parents of elementary and secondary school students may now use the tax-free earnings from a QTP to pay for tuition expenses. A QTP is more commonly referred to as a 529 plan, named after the Internal Revenue Code section which authorizes the accounts.
Every parent wants their child to be properly prepared for kindergarten, but not all parents have the time to teach their child everything they need to know for school. There are preschools that prepare children for the things they will need to know when they go to kindergarten, though. Use the guide below to learn how to select the best preschool you can for your young child. Search for a Preschool with a Specific Curriculum
Change is always going to come with challenges, and the best way to be proactive in lessening the stress of change is to be prepared. Whether your child is preparing to attend boarding school in your town or far away, help your child plan for rooming with a stranger. If you help your child in the right ways, that stranger will more easily become both a friend and a roommate.
As the summer months dwindle, the beginning of another school year approaches. If you have a child that dreads going back to school, you might want to consider hiring him or her a tutor. A tutor is a professional that can help your child achieve his or her academic dreams. Tutors aren't just good for grades either, they can help your child in many ways. 1. Academic Independence A large part of tutoring involves teaching your child the tools they will need to succeed.
When the time came for my first two boys to go to kindergarten, I struggled. I just couldn't imaging those little guys heading off for a long day without me there to take care of their every need. As a parent, this can be one of the most challenging milestones to cross. What can you do to make it easier for both you and your child on the first day of school? I created this blog with the help of others to present enough information to help other parents going through this difficult time find peace and make things easier for everyone.